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remedial massage

Osteopathy is a well-established, distinct and safe system of diagnosis and treatment which works with your body, and is concerned with the relationship between its structure and the way in which it functions. Any disruption in the body’s structure can affect the way in which it functions, which can lead to dis-function or dis-ease. Complementary to and supportive of orthodox medicine Osteopathy is now recognised with the passing of The Osteopath Act (1993). This means that the profession is regulated by the General Osteopathic Council and thus affords patients with the same level of professional protection as doctors. All Osteopaths must be registered.

As our lives get busier and we demand more from our bodies many people suffer occasional aches and pains. However, if you start experiencing these on a regular basis it is your body’s way of telling you that something is not right and this is where Osteopathy can help. It assists in alleviating symptoms by addressing the underlying cause and helps prevent them from developing into something more serious.

Osteopaths work mainly with their hands using a wide variety of treatment techniques to aid the body’s self healing mechanisms, which in turn help decrease inflammation and pain as well as improve the range of movement and flexibility of an area. These may include soft tissue work (massage), manipulation or joint mobilisation (‘clicks’), joint articulation, muscle energy techniques (stretching), the use of ultrasound as well as advice on remedial and preventative exercises and self-management. A gentle technique called ‘Cranial’ Osteopathy may also be used.

In addition, Osteopathy may help some diseases that have a musculoskeletal component. This is because spinal problems can influence the nervous control of the internal organs. Therefore treatment of the spine can sometimes help seemingly unrelated problems.